Cherryhill Firefighters Conduct Extinguisher Training for Penns Manor Staff
By Chief Jody Rainey
August 31, 2022

At a recent Penns Manor in-service training, Cherryhill Township firefighters in partnership with Cherryhill Safety Services, conducted fire extinguisher training for all staff of the Penns Manor Area School District.

The training consisted of a review of the elements necessary for fire to exist, how to remove an element to extinguish the fire, the various classifications of fire, review of a fire extinguisher and the PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) technique to extinguish a fire. Every staff member then extinguished a small live fire to demonstrate learned skills.

Firefighters Jody Rainey, John Rainey , Bre Dixon and Denny Porter conducted the training. John Rainey is also the owner of Cherryhill Safety Services and provided the powder and extinguishers for the training exercise. Penns Manor Superintendent Daren Johnston and facilities Supervisor Mark Dalton were instrumental in arranging the training and acquiring burn barrels and fuel for the live fire exercise.

Cherryhill Township fire company is the first due primary fire service provider for the Penns Manor facilities and grounds. The fire company commends the leadership and all staff of Penns Manor for placing their preparation to provide the safest possible environment for students, staff and visitors as a high priority.

Hyperlinks: Pictures Fire Extinguisher training